Monthly Archives: March 2019

Souper Sunday


As I write this, my DH (dear husband) is creating something he calls “Clear Out The Refrigerator” Soup. We’re at the start of a two-day cold snap, which calls for gloves, turtlenecks and something warm, comforting and low-calorie to eat.

Pretty much anything edible can be turned into soup.  In this case, we’ve been stockpiling withered vegetables, accidentally frozen herbs, and most of a large box of chicken broth. It either needs to become soup or compost.

Making soup couldn’t be simpler, even for you non-cooks out there.

  1. Chop up an onion, a couple of garlic cloves, some celery and some carrots. This will be your mirepoix (“meer-pwah”).  Sauté them with a little olive oil in a large pot.
  2. Roughly chop the rest of your ingredients and throw them in. Today’s haul includes carrots, turnips, some kale, some collard greens, mysteriously frozen basil, some dill, red potatoes and a can of garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas) without the liquid. Quantities don’t matter.
  3. Cover with liquid: approximately half chicken or vegetable stock, and half water.
  4. Simmer on low heat for a couple of hours until vegetables start to soften. Add water if it’s getting too thick (more like a stew than a soup).
  5. Season to taste with salt and fresh pepper. Add ground herbs such as oregano and rosemary for more flavor.

Here, DH and I diverge.  He likes the individual tastes of the separate veggies in broth. I prefer using an immersion blender to purée them to a texture resembling pea soup.

Either way, simmer until the flavors blend, re-checking and adjusting your seasoning as needed. Add a hunk of crusty bread, some cheese and a glass of wine. Voilà: dinner!


Handy Hints for the Home Cook!

More great hints from Kelly!


Here are some really handy hints for all of you wonderful cooks out there. I hope you enjoy this and find at least one idea you haven’t thought of lately.

Easy Drawer Organizer

Pegboard and Dowel Drawer Organizer

My kitchen drawers used to be an absolute wreck; pans and dishes crammed in however they’d fit. And nearly every time I needed something, it was always at the bottom of the drawer. My solution was to cut a piece of 1/8-in. pegboard to the size of the drawer bottom and attach dowels using screws from underneath. Now my pans are organized and easy to access. The 10 minutes it took to build was easily made up for with how much frustration it has saved me. — Jim David

HH Secure Your kitchen towels

No-Slip Kitchen Towels

Hanging a dish towel from an oven or dishwasher door makes sense. The towel is in a convenient location, and the oven’s warmth…

View original post 2,003 more words

Good News Monday: It’s a Jungle Out There

Some animal populations are on the upswing again. (These are, too.)

  • African elephants, Chad
  • Channel Island foxes, California
  • Beavers, Scotland
  • Mountain gorillas, Rwanda/Uganda
  • West Indian manatees, Florida
  • Blue iguanas, Cayman Islands
  • Asiatic lions, India

                                                                     (All images, Pixabay)

Good News Monday: A Scout Troop Brings Joy to Homeless Girls

This is one of the most inspiring stories I’ve read.


Girl Scout Troop 6000 in New York City was created by an employee of the Girl Scouts of Greater New York who’d had to move to a shelter after her rental home was sold.

Knowing just how rough this situation can be for kids, she volunteered to lead a special chapter for homeless girls. These Scouts go camping, learn about different careers, and build self-esteem while earning their badges. And of course they sell cookies… lots and lots of cookies!

Pretty sweet.





I Can Do What with Hydrogen Peroxide?

No time for an original post today, but I wanted to share these great tips from a modern-day Hints From Heloise. I love her blog and think you may, too. xx, Alisa


Today’s hack is some ways you may have never thought about using Hydrogen Peroxide. It is one of the the more underrated items in any natural cleaning kit. You can use it to disinfect, sanitize, and deodorize hundreds of surfaces and items around your home. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer, making it useful for whitening and bleaching things. Keep a bottle on hand for everyday hydrogen peroxide uses like whitening teeth, cleaning mirrors, and preventing stains.

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural anti-septic, therefore one of its most common uses is to clean wounds to prevent infection.

I am going to provide you with some insight on the different uses for hydrogen peroxide, and I would love to know if any of these surprised you.

Cleans Sponges


Have some funky sponges in the kitchen or bathroom? The many uses for hydrogen peroxide can also help you get rid of their dirty appearance and weird smell. Soak sponges in equal parts…

View original post 1,996 more words

Good News Monday: Encouraging Research on Climate Change

Yes, the first hurdle is getting people to actually admit there is such a thing, and that it poses a major threat.

But here’s reason for guarded optimism: According to recent reports, a new technique can convert carbon dioxide back into coal. In theory, this could make huge inroads into eliminating the global dangers of greenhouse gases. 

Of course, a massive undertaking would be enormously expensive. But where there’s money to be made, there’s a way. 

That alone might convert some skeptics.

black close up coal dark

Coal: It’s not just for barbecues anymore! Photo by Pixabay on


What’s Your Black Hole?

I’ve been seeing a lot of blogs recently about decluttering, a topic that’s near and dear to my post-move heart.

Now that most things are neatly stored away, I sometimes forget what I already own. This leads to embarrassing discoveries when I buy something and realize later that I already have more of the same or similar — often in multiples.

aroma aromatherapy aromatic blur

Photo by Pixabay on

My particular nemesis is skin care, especially bath products.  For some reason I can’t resist new ones.  Is it because these luxuries are relatively inexpensive? Because of the implied promise of silkier skin, relaxation, leisure, stress relief, or dare I say even a more youthful appearance?

From now on, I’m going to try to remember to check all those carefully labeled storage bins before I succumb to the siren call of another new lotion, potion or emotion.

Does anyone else have this, er, problem?

yellow steel bathtub

Photo by kelly samuel on

Drama at the Hairdresser

Generally speaking, a visit to the hair salon is relaxing.  Sure, people might get a bit tense if someone cuts their bangs too short, but I don’t think of it as a high-stress environment.

Well, earlier today I got my hair colored and cut and when I got there, the salon was abuzz.  Apparently, a client had gone more or less berserk only a few minutes before I arrived.

It all started when this woman started ranting at the person doing her hair, stating that she “hates lesbians and Americans.” Umm, ok…. not sure what provoked the outburst, but she continued in that vein.  The stylist said that she didn’t appreciate being yelled at, whereupon this woman started swearing, jumped out of the chair, knocked over a sign in the entryway, and then proceeded to swipe all the products off the shelves onto the floor, before storming out of the salon… with hair dye STILL in her hair.  Hoo boy.

Clearly, this poor woman has issues and is perhaps someone who should be under a physician’s care.  I doubt she’s homeless because this isn’t exactly El Cheapo Haircuts and she’d been there before.  So where are her family? Friends? Neighbors? Co-workers? Can’t anyone in her world see that things are just not right and help her? I mean, the woman is running around in public with dye on her head.



Good News Monday: An App for Hunger

This is a genius idea that’s helping people in Africa.  Seems simple enough that we could implement this in communities worldwide.

“Oscar Ekponimo’s childhood experiences in Nigeria motivated him to create an app called Chowberry. (When his father was unable to work, the family went hungry.)

His app records retailer information about products that are about to expire. Local charities can then purchase the food at a discounted price and distribute it to the community — saving the food from being tossed into a landfill.”

assorted vegetable lot

Photo by Magda Ehlers on