Monthly Archives: August 2023

Random Things I Learned on Vacation

Finally — after two failed attempts at overseas travel this year — we recently enjoyed a Viking Ocean cruise to Britain and Norway. Here are 12 things I discovered:

  1. Although I appreciated the gorgeous scenery, I realized I generally prefer exploring cities and towns where I can enjoy the culture and architecture and talk to locals we meet along the way.
Art installation in Greenwich UK imagining a better world

2. Life’s much easier with two carry-on bags (one for clothes, one for toiletries, books, electronics, etc. vs checking luggage. Even a 19-day trip was manageable with two smaller bags.

Random photo of Kirkwall, Orkney Islands

3. Even so, always pack an extra folding bag. The sweatshirt I bought didn’t fit in my suitcase so I checked the suitcase on the return flight and used my extra tote as a carryon.

4. The Ring of Brodgar stones are older than Stonehenge.

Stromness: the third largest henge (circular enclosure) in Britain

5. Our ideal trip is about two weeks. Longer, and we get restless.

Yours truly in Leknes

6. Goats help maintain traditional Norwegian thatched roofs.

Supposedly, they actually put goats on the roof. No data on whether they fall off

7. Wristbands and ginger chewable Dramamine only go so far if the ocean is bumpy.

Mostly, it was calm and beautiful.

8. In medieval times, the following items were catapulted into enemy territory to speed victory, along with the usual rocks and boulders: rotting food, bees, baskets of snakes, body parts from corpses.

Taxidermy (including reindeer and elk) is popular in Norwegian gift shops

9. There are more Shetland ponies in The Netherlands than there are in the Shetland Islands.

Only 1000 in Shetland vs 50,000 in Holland and 15,000 in Britain

10. Pot bellies are much cuter on ponies than people.

Am I right?

11. The Norwegian fjords, waterfalls and countryside are breathtaking.

12. Even an imperfect trip is better than no trip!

Geirangerfjord– 11 hairpin turns to get up this high